sun and moon are referred to as King and queen by deepanshu sir
if they both are sitting together in d9 chart in 5th house Aries, what does it indicate? sun is exalted in Aries… does it indicate father has more power than mother in native’s 5th house matters? or anything else? kindly share your thoughts
sun moon
if both planets r together moon will brighten more than normal moon , means both father and mother r Powerful, but in health mother has to careful , if ur parents fight - may have major fights in home mostly for love or kids , in 5th house u r dominanting person in Ur love life, u will manage most oRead more
if both planets r together moon will brighten more than normal moon , means both father and mother r Powerful, but in health mother has to careful , if ur parents fight – may have major fights in home mostly for love or kids ,
in 5th house u r dominanting person in Ur love life, u will manage most of the 5th house matter in marriage life.
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