DOB – 10 Jan 1999
TOB – 20:44 (in birth certificate, never rectified)
POB – Dehradun (accurate coordinates – 78 E 02, 30 N 21)
Currently living in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Father works in army (desk job)
My mom was able to see Sai Baba (she used to be her devotee) sitting beside her with open eyes before I was born but after some time he was gone
Now coming to what happened on 26th June 2022 (before 12pm, Sunday), my mom went to a PanditJi (bhakt of Sai Baba), she told him about me, I gave 2 events also, but he never considered that, he made my chart by taking TOB as 15:35 BUT WHY? (When I asked my mother she told me that if she went to a private hospital she would have conceived me before 20:44)
Now coming to PanditJi, he used True rahu/ketu and there was no “Moon” in that kundli and gave me taurus ascendant (he used books to make that chart), when I used a software, taking his time as 15:35, I am gemini ascendant. (at 15.34 I am Taurus ascendant)
Now I am confused – how and why he took my birth time as 15:35? I mean the whole birth time rectification stands on the principle that it arranges the time according to the events that “occurred” in a person’s life.
I was bad in studies from 6 class I guess then in 10th got good score choose science, in 12th pcm scored 59% (2017) did again scored 63% then joined open college to learn psychology philosophy dropped it, did 2 month music production course then sister told to do some professional course so entered Journalism course in 2019 it was good I was learning but then covid, where am I going? At this point, all I want is some stability of mind… I dont like to leave my room. Had a very troubling childhood mentally because of my mother, started learning about astrology at the start of Jupiter MD.
events –
My elder sister (I have one sibling only) – got her 2nd job on 24th feb 2022, she had left knee surgery on 4 july 2020 (her 1st surgical operation and I hope her last too)