Bit confused..
I am Scorpio Ascendant , 2HL and 5 HL (Jupiter) is sitting in 3H in Capricorn – Debliated.
But the best part is – It is aspecting my 7H, 9H and 11H (Lagna Lord Ma is sitting there). 7H/12H depositor (Ve) is in Lagna and 9H depositor (Mo) is in 10H and 8H/11H depositor (Me) is in Lagna along with 10H Lord(Su) & 3H/4H Lord (Sa).
Shall I wear Pushkraj(yellow sapphire )which I used to wear and then stopped wearing.
yellow sapphire
acvha hai pahno isee bhi aacha rubi manik hai wo pahne se aur fydaa ye abhi accha hai pahn lo
acvha hai pahno isee bhi aacha rubi manik hai wo pahne se aur fydaa ye abhi accha hai pahn lo
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