22-01-1995,Panipat Haryana, 22:10
Questions.lunarastro.com Latest Questions
Sorry it's a private question.
10 June 1076, 11.55 am, Hyderabad.
4 feb 1982 vadodara 5.15 pm
Guys please clear answer do my age is 24 right now I’m suffering from overactive bladder disease from last 3 years now do i need to get a major surgery done for this bladder disease or it will be resolved ...
If Moon is in Kendra or Trikon and let’s suppose Ketu is sitting with moon or aspecting moon? Does it imply Moon’s neech bhang ?
She is adopting a child how will be this new soul entering in their world will the child be spiritual how will be the nature and behaviour and life path of this child ??? Person who is adopting the child her ...
What settings do most of you prefer to cast the horoscope in Jagannath Hora? Various options give different charts (atleast the nakshatra lord changes)
this person was excessively abusive , kept lying, more likely attracted to other people’s wife, kept making evil trap for his wife just to get rid of her. was spreading false rumours about his wife to society. has anger ...