I have sun in 1st house leo Ascendant saturn ketu in 3rd house in libra jupiter in 6th rahu in 9th, mars mercury and venus in 12th please guide some remedy I have career issue unemployed to much ...
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Namaste My name is Sparsh, I am trying to find which gemstone would suits me best. Please Guide me, It would be great help Name – Sparsh Tomar DOB- 18/03/2000 BIRTH TIME – 02:15 P.M PLACE OF BIRTH – BARAUT, UTTAR PARDESH
native is a female with aswini ascendent/ mars in ashlesha 4 house and moon jyestha 8house …. st ketu in 12 house … doesnt want to work… and is restless plz suggest some tested remedy
My DOB is 22nd august 1984 9:30 pm, Varanasi Uttar Pradesh My money stuck, and ...
Hello, My details are 2nd Feb 1989, time 12.20 pm, place New Delhi. My life is full of hurdles since birth. I got married but now filed the case. How can I win the case?
After this ritual, a marble object broke out of nowhere. After that, few marble tiles also broke. Does this mean anything specific ?
Hi, I have chronic skin issue of leucoderma. Any reasons of why from my chart and any Astro/Lal kitab remedies?Thanks ?
If we have Mercury in 8th sign (Scorpio, Vrischik) and 9th house as badhaka for a Pisces horoscope, how do we now make the predictions for potential issues and remedies? To be more clear, which has more say in results, house ...