I am pursuing BCA right now, in 2 nd year and I am not at all interested in it, so I m planning to learn astrology and develop it as my profession. Kindly advise me. 28/09/2002 20:12 Meerut (Male)
Questions.lunarastro.com Latest Questions
Ref: BPHS vol 1, chapter 32, sloka: 31-34 House Significance. I now narrate the significance of the Houses. 1st House denotes the soul (self), 2nd family, finance, wife etc., 3rd younger brothers/sisters, 5th progeny and 7th wife. It is also said, ...
What does it signify when there are no planets in kendra? Is there any sutra for this in bphs?
kindly share your own technique of arrange or love marriage. That is sureshot and can be used during consultation. No general technique please.
Please let me know the snapshot techniques for mahadasha and antardasha prediction.
Chapter-18 Shlok 23- -If Sun is in 7th house while dispostior is being conjunct with Venus -Marriage will be at 7 or 11 years of age. So if we extend it to next cycle of marriage Sun in 7th house should ...
CHAPTER 17 SHLOK 13-19 says : The native will be afflicted by illness throught out his life if Saturn is with Rahu while 6th lord and 6th house are conjunct malefics. Please elaborate this in detail with example. Also, for ages ...
BPHS Chapter 15 Verse 10-14 further states that: An exchange between the 11th and 4th lords will confer conveyances in the 12th year. Also, further give an explanation of this that benefic related to 4th house & it’s lord will bring ...
Chapter 15 Verse 10-14 states that: If the ascendant lord is a benefic while the 4th lord is in fall or in the 11th and the significator (Venus) is in the 12th – the native will obtain conveyances in his ...