Hello All- In BPHS- Chapter 18- Shlok 22-42 deals with timing of events related to Marriage. Let us all start from Shlok 22 which states- If 7th lord is in a benefic house (5 or 9) while Venus is exalted -native ...
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BPHS – Chapter 17 Verse 23-25 states: Danger through water will be feared during the 5th and 9th years if Sun is in the 6th or 8th while Moon is in 12th from said Sun (meaning Moon in 5th and ...
BPHS – Chapter 13 Verse 6-7 states that: One will be penniless if the lord of the 2nd is in an evil house while the 11th lord is also so placed and the 2nd is occupied by a malefic. There ...
BPHS Chapter 15 Verse 10-14 states further that: Should the Sun be in the 4th house as the 4th lord is exalted and be with Venus – one will acquire conveyances in his 32nd year. Please decode the above ages mentioned ...
Chapter 17 Verse 26 states: Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31st year if 11th lord and 6th lord exchange their rasis.
Chapter 17 Verse 28 states that: There will be fear from dogs during the 10th and 19th year if the ascendant lord and 6th lord are in exchange.